Watch a gallery of Sunderland Echo pictures from 1991

Dancers from Muriel Harrison School of Dance appearing at Sunderland's Empire Theatre in Mother Goose.Dancers from Muriel Harrison School of Dance appearing at Sunderland's Empire Theatre in Mother Goose.
Dancers from Muriel Harrison School of Dance appearing at Sunderland's Empire Theatre in Mother Goose.
Our weekly journey through the Sunderland Echo archives spotlights photos taken in January 1991.

It was a traumatic month globally as it marked the start of the Gulf War in Iraq.

Here on Wearside, families were worried about loved ones in the armed forces who were sent to the conflict.

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Dancers from Muriel Harrison School of Dance appearing at Sunderland's Empire Theatre in Mother Goose.Dancers from Muriel Harrison School of Dance appearing at Sunderland's Empire Theatre in Mother Goose.
Dancers from Muriel Harrison School of Dance appearing at Sunderland's Empire Theatre in Mother Goose.

Thankfully there were happier events taking place to help ease the tension.

How many of these smiling faces, for instance, do you recognise preparing to appear in Mother Goose at Sunderland Empire?

Further details of the stories behind our other pictures can be found in Saturday's Sunderland Echo.

Remember too that you can buy copies of all our staff photographs by logging on here.

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