These are some of the items you can and can't freeze - from cheese to veg and milk

Freezing food is a handy way of storing basic ingredients and leftovers in order to make them last that little bit longer.

Though the government has advised that there's no need to stockpile food, some shoppers are struggling to find what they need at the supermarket.

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As such, freezing food is a great way to make sure what you do have lasts a little longer in case of temporarily empty supermarket shelves. 

While some foods can be frozen safely, others should be kept well away from the freezer - and you should follow certain rules to avoid food poisoning. 

Here’s what you should know about freezing food.

Frozen berries can be a great way to make smoothies. (Photo: Shutterstock)Frozen berries can be a great way to make smoothies. (Photo: Shutterstock)
Frozen berries can be a great way to make smoothies. (Photo: Shutterstock)

What food and drink items can you freeze?

Many basic ingredients - as well as meal leftovers - can be frozen. The process of doing so allows them to last longer and avoids food waste. 

In spite of what many think, freezing doesn’t necessarily kill nutrients either - and is a great way to store food without using chemical preservatives.  Dr Joanna McMillan told Australia’s Today show:

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“Freezing is a really amazing way of preserving our food because you don't have to use chemical preservatives,” Dr McMillan said.

“It’s actually one of the oldest means of preserving foods [...] I think we under-utilise the freezer in today’s age where we think everything that’s fresh is better for us and it’s actually not the truth.”

Leftovers that freeze well include pasta bakes, soups, stews, casseroles and lasagne.