These 9 toxic barbecue foods could be fatal for dogs

Most of us love to enjoy barbecues in the garden during the summer months - but did you know that some staple barbecue treats may actually pose a danger to your dog?

One in three Brits feed their pets food directly from the dinner table, but experts at Canagan have highlighted nine toxic treats which pet owners should keep away from their four legged friends this summer.

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Ribs and bones

Chicken and other small bones pose a choking hazard to your pet. If consumed, they may puncture your pet's digestive tract.

Once you have cooked your meat and it is ready to serve, make sure it is covered in order to prevent your dog from consuming it.

Corn on the cob

If eaten by your dog, corn on the cob could cause them to choke or obstruct their throat or digestive tract due to the shape and volume.

If you think your dog may have swallowed a corn on the cob, contact your vet or an out-of-hours clinic for immediate assistance.

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Shallots, onions, garlic and scallions contain a toxic substance called Allium, which can harm your dog’s red blood cells if ingested.

Symptoms may include weakness, reluctance to move, fatigue and darkly-coloured urine, but damage does not generally become apparent for three to five days after a dog ingests the food.

If eaten by your dog, corn on the cob could cause them to choke or obstruct their throat or digestive tract (Photo: Shutterstock)


Avocado contains a toxic compound called Persin, which can cause stomach distress for cats and dogs if consumed.